Hearing day to consider possible housing sites
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 01/03/2013
Government-appointed Planning Inspector Paul Crysell reviewed the strategy in detail at a public examination last summer and proposed a number of modifications, including suggesting that more land be made available for housing development between 2012 and 2017.
The core strategy had proposed that provision be made for 8,493 homes during this period but the Inspector asked for this figure to be increased by 852 to 9,345.
The additional hearing day this week will consider possible locations for this additional development and provide an opportunity for all interested parties to share their views.
In its response to the Inspector’s proposed modifications, published in November, the council argued that an increase in the five-year housing target was inappropriate given current market conditions and levels of housing need. However it said that if the Inspector insisted on the increase, provision could be made for approximately 600 homes using sites already earmarked for development within the strategy.
It added that if the Inspector were determined to meet the remaining shortfall by identifying an entirely new development site, this would have to be done through the public examination process to allow local people to have their say. The Inspector agreed to reopen the examination, and set the hearing day for 7 March.
The session will be held between 10am and 5pm at the Kingswood Civic Centre on Thursday 7 March. Only people who have previously registered their interest will be invited to speak, but members of the public are welcome to attend.
Following the hearing day, the Inspector’s revised modifications will be submitted for a six-week consultation period. The Inspector has indicated that he expects to submit his final report to the council during the week beginning 24 June.
Further information on the hearing day is available at www.southglos.gov.uk/corestrategyexamination
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