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Update on the Policy, Sites and Places plan for South Gloucestershire

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 25/04/2016

In June, councillors will be making a decision on the next steps for the Policy, Sites and Places (PSP) planning document.

Subject to agreement at Policy and Resources Committee and full Council in June, the key change being recommended is that the PSP will not include provision for additional housing allocations.

Overall housing numbers for the West of England, including South Gloucestershire’s share, is currently being reviewed as part of the draft Joint Spatial Plan (JSP).

The view of expert planning officers is that it would be premature to bring forward the housing allocations as part of the PSP because we are currently working collaboratively with the West of England councils on preparing the JSP. The emphasis of the JSP is on finding sustainable locations for housing and employment across the region up to 2036.

Further consultation on the draft JSP is due to take place in September.

We will consult later this year and in 2017 on a new South Gloucestershire Local Plan and the intention is that the detailed housing allocations will be included in this plan. The new Local Plan will be completed during 2018.

The work to progress the PSP will continue. The proposed revised timetable for submission of the plan for independent examination and adoption can be found on our website at

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