Turn free time into useful time
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 03/12/2012
Volunteers will help older people continue their love of books and offer them the stimulation of reading.
When a library user or other book lover moves to sheltered housing or a care home they may no longer be able to get hold of books.
When this is the case the Library Service will provide a free books-on-wheels service. The delivery of the books will be undertaken by a new team of volunteers, and it is this team for which they are recruiting now.
Volunteers will be part of a team and meet new people, while gaining the experience of bringing stimulation and company to isolated people.
The Library Service would love to hear from anyone who can spare a few hours a month – whether unemployed, recently retired or just having some spare time.
The library service will provide all the training and support needed, as well as travel expenses.
For further details contact your local South Gloucestershire library, phone 01454 868006, or email gill.clayton@southglos.gov.uk
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