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Stop Means Stop road safety initiative launched

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 14/10/2014

A school governor at Barrs Court Primary School in Longwell Green tried out a new career today to help launch a road safety campaign.

Governor Simon Isaacs, pictured, helped promote the Stop Means Stop campaign by carrying out the role of the school crossing patrol. He was guided by Karen Ross who usually carries out this role.

Speaking about his experience after the busy school run this morning, he said: “I didn’t realise the level of safety training they [staff] have and how nerve wracking it can be stepping into a very busy road for the safety of other people. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and as a school governor it has been a great opportunity to understand this important role.”

Our road safety officers joined forces with other local authorities in the South West to help promote the Stop Means Stop campaign; a road safety initiative aimed at drivers to make them aware that when a school crossing patrol staff member holds their sign out in the road, they should stop until the patrol returns to the pavement.

While incidents of drivers failing to stop in South Gloucestershire are rare, Barrs Court Primary has been chosen as the focus for the campaign following a recent drive-through where the ‘lollipop’ sign was knocked out of a staff member’s hand.

Wendy Feltham, Road Safety Officer at South Gloucestershire Council, said: “We value our school crossing patrols and the dedicated work that they do in ensuring our children travel safely to and from school. They should not be subjected to dangerous behaviour from a small minority of drivers so we are joining forces with other councils to promote the Stop Means Stop campaign.

“Drivers should be aware that they are legally obliged to stop when the sign is displayed.  Failure to do so can result in a fine and 6 penalty points. It only takes a few seconds and adds very little to your journey time.”

South Gloucestershire Council has a total of 41 patrol sites covering schools in the district.

Young children with a school crossing patrol

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