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Residents encouraged to attend next round of Area Forum meetings

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 26/06/2015

The next round of Area Forum meetings take place in July and residents are encouraged to come along to have a say on local decision-making.

All meetings include an open session for members of the public to put questions to councillors and officers on any matter in their area, so why not come along and join in the debate on the following dates and locations:

Severn Vale, Wednesday 1 July, 7pm at Turnberries Community Centre, Bath Road, Thornbury, BS35 2BB.

The Chase, Monday 6 July, 10am, Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Kingswood. One item on the agenda. The next full meeting of the Chase Area Forum is on Monday 20 July, 7pm, Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Kingswood.

Kings Forest, Monday 6 July, 7pm, Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Kingswood.

Frome Vale, Thursday 9 July, 7pm, Shireway Community Centre, Yate.

Southern Brooks, Tuesday 21 July, 7pm, Shield Road Primary School, Sheilds Avenue, BS7 0RR.

On the agenda for this round of meetings will be the allocation of community grants and presentations about food/waste recycling, plus a presentation from BT about broadband. Full details are available online

If you would like to receive details of futureĀ meetings in your area contact Democratic Services on 01454 864425

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