Help for people living with dementia
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 19/06/2013
The roadshows are aimed at anyone who has recently been diagnosed with dementia, and carers or families of people with dementia. They are intended to provide people with the information they need to understand their diagnosis and make the most of living with dementia. They will also inform people of the support that’s available and how to access this support.
Each roadshow will feature a welcome and overview from a South Gloucestershire GP, and include a psychiatrist’s guide to medication and treatment, plus tips and techniques from memory nurses. There will be presentations focussing on mental capacity and a panel of experts to answer questions and offer practical advice and information. A local person affected by dementia will be sharing their personal experiences and a range of stalls featuring information from local organisations will also be available.
This Thornbury roadshow will additionally feature representatives from the Thornbury Memory Café, plus a speech and language therapist.
Attendance is free however places must be booked in advance by using one of the following methods:
Online at
Phone 01454 862356.
So come along to our Living Well with Dementia roadshow on Thursday 4 July from 6.30pm to 9pm at Turnberries Community Centre, Bath Road, Thornbury BS35 2BB and find out more.
For more information and details of future roadshows please visit
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