Have your say on National Grid proposals
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 04/10/2013
The Hinkley C Connection Project includes proposals for about a kilometre of power line which will run through South Gloucestershire to connect to the existing Seabank sub station near Aust. This is largely a business and industrial area but does include some public rights of way.
A new substation, adjacent to the Severn Way that runs along the shoreline of the estuary at Aust, is also proposed.
The consultation, which closes on 29 October, provides an opportunity to influence National Grid’s proposals before a formal planning application is submitted early in 2014. The final decision on whether or not to grant consent for the scheme will be taken by the Secretary of State.
The proposals will be discussed at a special exhibition and Question and Answer session to be held on Wednesday 9 October at Aust Village Hall from 5pm.
Further information is also available from:
An ‘information hub’ at Avonmouth (Imperial Chambers, Gloucester Rd BS11 9AQ) from 12-5pm Monday to Friday and 10-2pm Saturdays
An ‘information point’ with a selection of documents at Aust Village Hall (tel. 0800 377 7347 or visit the project website for details)
South Gloucestershire Council offices
Local libraries
Online at www.hinkleyconnection.co.uk
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