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Give us your views on Fountain Square revamp

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 21/09/2012

Consultation is now open to see how the square on the High Street might be developed for future use. Detailed plans are on display at the library in Staple Hill showing how the square could look including a new layout which could provide space for events such as the annual Christmas on the Hill charity fundraiser, as well as civic occasions and an area for exhibitions and displays.

South Gloucestershire Council is working with Staple Hill Regeneration Partnership on plans to make the square more attractive.

These include:

  • removal of the existing fountain feature with consideration for a replacement or different feature
  • removal of the existing planters which will be replaced with a new tree planting scheme
  • central area of the square to be repaved
  • an accessible performance/display podium
  • improvement works to the square’s drainage
  • improved visibility of the square’s shops
  • improved amenities including new benches, lighting and bins will complete the enhancement scheme

Staff will be on hand at the library tomorrow (Saturday 22 September) to talk people through the proposals between 10am and 12pm. Comments can be made until Monday 8 October at the library or by visiting our website

You can also email call 01454 865858 or write to: FREEPOST RRZE-CTRG-TJLJ, South Gloucestershire Council, Fountain Square Consultation, Council Offices, Castle Street, Thornbury, Bristol, BS35 1HF

Work is not due to start until February next year.

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