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Agenda and papers for South Gloucestershire Full Council meeting on 17 February published

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 10/02/2016

The agenda and papers for 17 February meeting of Full Council have been published online (

The meeting will consider and decide on the 2016/17 Council Budget. The draft Budget has been amended to reflect an improved Financial Settlement from the government, which was confirmed this week. The council will now receive some additional one-off funding for the next two years as part of a grant to help some councils seeing the largest falls in government support. The main changes in the updated draft Budget include a reduction in the Green Bin Charge and some one-off transitional funding to support those staff who will no longer receive the Foundation Living Wage increase from next year.

The Full Council meeting will be held in the Council Chamber at Kingswood Civic Centre at 7pm on 17 February 2016.

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