Drugs and alcohol service overview

Within South Gloucestershire there are a number of organisations that can offer you free confidential information, advice and support on any issues you, a loved one or a family member may have around drug and alcohol misuse.

Page contents

Local alcohol support and advice

If you feel that alcohol consumption has increased to a level which is causing you or those around you concern, One You South Gloucestershire has advice on how to drink less.  The website includes advice on how to reduce drinking alcohol, information on safer drinking levels and how to access alcohol treatment.

The South Gloucestershire Drug and Alcohol Service can offer free and confidential help, advice, support and treatment.  You can contact them via:

If you feel alcohol is impacting your health, contact your GP directly.  You may wish to request a double appointment to allow enough time to discuss this in detail.

If you are not registered with a GP you can find out how to register via the NHS website.

Local drug support/advice on the use of drugs 

If you have concerns about your drug use, free and confidential help, advice, support and treatment is available.  You can find further information on Drug treatment services in South Gloucestershire on our Drug Treatment page.

Contact the South Gloucestershire Drug and Alcohol Service via:

If you feel that taking drugs is impacting your health, contact your GP directly.  You may wish to request a double appointment to allow enough time to discuss this in detail.

If you are not registered with a GP you can find out how to register via the NHS website.

South Gloucestershire Needle and Syringe Programme (previously needle exchange service) 

Our Needle and Syringe Programme page has information on local pharmacies where you can obtain new needles and injecting equipment as well as safe disposal boxes and harm reduction advice.

You can also contact the South Gloucestershire Drug and Alcohol Service to find your local Needle and Syringe Programme by calling:

Safe collection and disposal of syringes

It is very important that you contact the Streetcare team immediately if you find drug related litter by calling:

Further information is available on our page - safe collection and disposal of syringes.

Support in an emergency

If you feel that you need emergency help and support, for example a drug or alcohol overdose then call 999 immediately for medical assistance.

Support for families affected by drugs and alcohol

See our page on the support available for families affected by drug or alcohol issues.

The Families Also Matter (FAM) service can help families and others affected by someone else's drug and alcohol use.  They support them with relevant information, coping strategies and problem management.

You can contact FAM or access the anonymous online self-help tool via: 

Training for professionals

If you are a professional and would like information about drugs and alcohol awareness training, please contact us via: